Easy Homemade Chocolate Syrup-It’s Better than Hershey’s!


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I promise I’m not going to only post recipes on this blog but I had to refill our Hershey’s chocolate syrup bottle this week so I decided I might as well share the recipe with y’all.  This recipe tastes amazing and is so much better than the chocolate syrup that you can get in store. I have been making it for a few years ever since discovering that you can easily make it at home!

Boiling the syrup.

Now I know if you read my previous post, you are probably thinking, “But I thought she tries to eat healthier.”  Ha, yes, I do generally try to eat healthy-ish but I have a weakness for ice cream, especially Blue Bell ice cream with chocolate syrup on top. I mean, homemade chocolate syrup has got to be healthier than the store-bought version that has loads of preservatives and other ingredients I can’t pronounce, right?!

If you aren’t from Texas, or even anywhere in the South, you probably won’t know the amazingness that is Blue Bell ice cream. Established in Brenham, Texas, Blue Bell is a gift from Heaven, I kid you not. Their Homemade Vanilla ice cream, or any of their ice cream really, is the best ice cream you will ever have. A few years ago, they had an issue in their factory and all their products were recalled. Texans everywhere were crying since nothing can compare to the deliciousness that is Blue Bell.  When it finally came back a year or so later, stores had to put a limit on how many half-gallons you could buy so that everyone would have a chance to get some.  That, my friends, is how much Texans love this ice cream.

Looks just like chocolate syrup should!

Anyway, so yes, we love this ice cream. I am hoping one day they will come out with an organic version but for now, this is one of the things I will compromise on. My husband cannot live without Blue Bell. He doesn’t care at all about eating healthy and will have ice cream for dinner if he wants to. He has been known to come home with 4 or more half-gallons of Blue Bell when there is a sale since he loves it so much. His favorite kind is Homemade Vanilla topped with Kahlua or chocolate syrup.

Hershey’s chocolate syrup used to be his favorite as he is the type that has to have name-brand everything, thinking it’s better than store-brand or homemade. Once he tried this homemade chocolate syrup, he loved it and now thinks it’s better than Hershey’s. He was even bragging to others about it so that means it has to be good.

Genevieve’s face when I told her what we were making! LOL!

Better than Hershey’s Homemade Chocolate Syrup

¾ cup cocoa powder

1 ¼ cups water

1 ½ cups sugar

1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract

Dash salt


Combine the cocoa powder, water, sugar, and salt in a big saucepan over medium heat. Use a big saucepan, at least 2 quarts, because this will expand when boiling and can overflow easily.

Mix with a whisk until smooth, stirring constantly until it boils.

Allow it to boil for 4-5 minutes.

Remove from heat.

Add vanilla.

The chocolate syrup will be somewhat thin and watery. Allow it to cool completely and it will thicken to the consistency of regular Hershey’s chocolate syrup.  I then pour it, using a funnel, into the 22oz Hershey’s bottle I have re-used for years and it fills it up perfectly.

Enjoy with ice cream, in chocolate milk, or however you like!

I don’t like to waste any chocolaty goodness so I poured some almond milk into the saucepan after I had scraped as much chocolate syrup into the bottle as I could, and the kids got a special treat of chocolate milk.


And now I really want ice cream!

What do you like on your ice cream?