Now Selling Earthley Wellness-Clean, Natural, and Affordable Health & Wellness Products

I did a thing, y’all. SHOP HERE!

Well, really, I just decided to sign up to become an affiliate for an awesome company so that other people could experience their awesomeness as well.

We’re on a mission: to change the way the world sees health care. We’re doing our part by creating clean, pure products to support that journey. Learn more about who we are, and what we have to offer.

As many of you know, I am very much an advocate of natural medicine which is why I started Matties Medicinals. Don’t worry, I’m not closing down that shop anytime soon! I will definitely still continue selling my organic elderberry syrup, DIY elderberry syrup kits, and magnesium oil spray.

But I recently learned about Earthley Wellness and discovered they have so many amazing organic & natural products that I am unable to offer in my business and I wanted to have a way to share them with others as well!

So, yep, I am now an Earthley Wellness Affiliate or an Earthologist as they call it. This is NOT an MLM so I’m not going to bother people all the time about buying these products. But if anyone is looking for natural & pure personal care products, baby care products, or herbal remedies, I would love to help! Browse their products HERE.

Honestly, I love when people ask me for advice about treating different things naturally. I guess people know I read a lot and am passionate about helping people help themselves through natural medicine.

No, I’m not a trained doctor but you don’t have to have any sort of medical degree to understand how the body works and how natural medicine can benefit your overall wellbeing. That being said, I also can’t guarantee that natural remedies are a cure-all but I know that treating the root of a problem is always a better choice than throwing drugs at the symptoms! So if you are looking for advice or more information about how to use nature to benefit your overall health, let me know and I will do my best to help!

“We think that the average person shouldn’t need to do extensive research to know that they’re not going to hurt themselves with a natural product.  That’s why we don’t use herbs that may be considered dangerous.  Almost all of our herbs are in the “safest” category.  We also list known contraindications on each product, so that you can make an informed decision. ” -Earthley

That’s just one of the things I love about Earthley…they encourage learning more about your body and how to use nature to benefit it, instead of just trusting others with a degree to know what’s best for you. I admit, I may have also been totally sold on this company when I read that the owner has a ton of kids, homeschools, and created this company to help others after she created a remedy to cure one of her children (after no doctor could!). Plus, she cares about making these natural products affordable for everyone…obviously budget-friendly anything is my favorite thing!

So, enough with the chit chat and pictures, haha. Feel free to visit their website to learn more about Earthley and how amazing their products are HERE!

Some of my favorite body care products include their Eczema Relief Set, Remineralizing Tooth Powder, shampoo & conditioner, deodorant, Drawing Salve, and Bug Spray. My favorite Earthley baby products include their Teeth Tamer, Baby Balm Herbal Salve, and Earache Ease. I also love their herbal remedies, especially their Vaccine Detox Set, Master Tonic, and Nourish Her Naturally. Other favorites include Immune-Aid Vitamin C Powder, Vitamin D Cream, Gut Health Oil, and Super Food Powder. Plus, they have shave soap, fertility remedies, beard care sets, and so much more!

Basically this is how it went:
Earthley: “Pure Ingredients”
“Affordable Prices”
Me: “Sign me up!”